


1. 林翠鳳。2010。〈臺灣慚愧祖師神格論〉。《東海大學圖書館訊》,109。網址:http://www.lib.thu.edu.tw/newsletter/109-201010/page07.1.htm。於2010.10點閱。
2. 張志相。2008。〈慚愧祖師生卒年、名號與本籍考論〉。《逢甲人文社會學報》,16: 159-181。
3. 張志相。2009。〈閩粵志書所見慚愧祖師寺廟與信仰探考〉。《逢甲人文社會學報》,中18:119-148。
4. 謝佳玲。2008。〈從開山防蕃到保境安民--南投縣慚愧祖師信仰研究〉。台北:臺北大學民俗藝術研究所碩士論文。
5. 謝佳玲。2009。〈南投縣慚愧祖師信仰的形成〉。《臺灣民俗藝術彙刊》,5:87-106。

Cankui zushi was a monk whose name was Pan Liaoquan (潘了拳). The term cankui (慚愧) means shame and conscience-stricken in Chinese. Cankui was Pan Liaoquan's fa hao (法號), the religious title in Buddhism. Cankui zushi is also called Yinna shan (陰那山) Cankui zushi. Yinna shan is the mountain where Cankui zushi lived in before.
Cankui zushi, Pan Liaoquan was born in 817, Tang dynasty and dead in 865. It is said that when he was a newborn baby, his left hand was always making fist and not opening. His parents then named him quan (拳), fist. When his age was a month, a mysterious monk came and wrote a character liao (了) on his fist. Then his left hand was not always making fist anymore. His name was changed to Liaoquan (了拳), the making fist ended. The mysterys also predictated that Liaoquan will be an honorable monk in the future.
Pan Liaoquan became an orphan when he was twelve. So he lived with his uncle and aunt. He made a living by pasturing cattles. It seems that he had magical power. The cattle which were pastured by him would stay in a circle drawn by him. The cooked fish would reborn when he put them back to the river. He often meditated on a huge rock. After he was adult, he started to roam about. Finally, he arrived at Yinna shan, Mountain Yinna. He was sheltered by the Huang’s family as a servant. One day, the madam Huang was going to a temple visiting a monk to pray for having a baby. He was following her with. Strangely, it seems that the monk knew Pan Liaoquan well. The monk asked Huang’s family taking refuge (皈依) to Pan Liaoquan and seeing him as their great master. After a while, he left to Mountain Yinna and stayed there until he was dead. Pan Liaoquan stayed at Mountain Yinna for about thirty years. He established a Buddhist temple named Ling Guang temple (靈光寺) and accepted persons as his disciples. When he was dying, he asked his disciples titled him as “cankui”. He felt ashamed on not preaching Buddhism well and sorry to Buddha. He also ordered the disciples obeying the discipline of Buddhism.
In Taiwan, it is estimated about twenty nine to forty temples dedicated to Cankui zushi. Most of them are situated in Lugu (鹿谷) and Zhongliao (中寮) in Nantou (南投) county. There are also many clans and families worshiping Cankui zushi. In Taiwan, Cankui zushi is almost a god specific to Nantou.


Keywords: Cankui zushi, Pan Liaoquan, Yinna shan, Nantou

1. 林翠鳳。2010。〈臺灣慚愧祖師神格論〉。《東海大學圖書館訊》,109。網址:http://www.lib.thu.edu.tw/newsletter/109-201010/page07.1.htm。於2010.10點閱。
2. 張志相。2008。〈慚愧祖師生卒年、名號與本籍考論〉。《逢甲人文社會學報》,16: 159-181。
3. 張志相。2009。〈閩粵志書所見慚愧祖師寺廟與信仰探考〉。《逢甲人文社會學報》,中18:119-148。
4. 謝佳玲。2008。〈從開山防蕃到保境安民--南投縣慚愧祖師信仰研究〉。台北:臺北大學民俗藝術研究所碩士論文。
5. 謝佳玲。2009。〈南投縣慚愧祖師信仰的形成〉。《臺灣民俗藝術彙刊》,5:87-106。