
臺灣自明鄭時期即建有玉皇太子宮,即目前臺南玉皇宮的前身,最早以玉皇四太子為主祀神,1800年重建改以玉皇大帝為主祀神,推測因此改稱玉皇宮。根據日治時期的統計,全臺灣以玉皇大帝為主祀神之廟宇約21間,全臺目前依最新的研究約145間,對照普遍的拜天公習俗,這樣的數量並不算多。其中重要的天公廟有臺南首廟天壇、臺南開基玉皇宮、彰化玉清觀、高雄鳳山天公廟、宜蘭大里慶雲宮、宜蘭草湖玉尊宮等。全臺以玉皇大帝為主祀之廟宇於2006 年在宜蘭開始成立有「全國天公廟聯誼會」,歷年於全台各地舉行年會。與其他的神廟相較,天公廟的數量甚少,這主要是一般的寺廟大多是地方公廟,而天公的位階又太高,與地方神祇的位階不符,且古代只有帝王才能祭天的想法,亦影響民間興建天公廟的意願,最重要的原因是民間祭祀天公是以「拜門口」的方式,當天而祭,因此大大降低天公廟的需要性。




渡邊欣雄。1991。天公祭祀の比較研究----中國‧臺灣を中心とした玉皇上帝誕生祭をめぐって。 植松明石編。環中國海の民俗と文化に。頁312-334。東京:凱風社。

The Jade Emperor, Yuhuang dadi (玉皇大帝), is the highest god in the popular religion of Han Chinese. He is also called Tian gong (天公), the Heavenly Grandfather. To Han Chinese, the heaven is vast and unlimited which is hard to determine its form. During early stage, unlike other belief on gods in Chinese popular religion, the belief on Jade Emperor is rare in setting statue, only placing a censer or a tablet with the name of Yuhuang dadi (玉皇大帝), Yuhuang datianzun (玉皇大天尊), or Shang cang (上蒼) instead. If a satute is placed, the image is in the figure of a Emperor. 
From those old days up to now, people hung a censer under the beam of hall or on the wall faced outside. Jade Emperor is the first object of whorshiping in the moring and evening. There is also a huge censer dedicated to Jade Emperor in each temple called Tiangong Lu. The first step in the process of worship any god should be worshiping to Jade Emperor. People burning a joss stick and place it in the censer dedicated to Jade Emperor.
It is said that the birthday of Jade Emperor is the nineth, the first month in Chinese lunar calendar. On this day, people often prepare some noodle, vegetarian foods and fruit as offering to worship Jade Emperor.
There are some worships association named shenming hui (神明會)dedicated to Jade Emperor also. They are called Tiangong hui (天公會) often. It was estimated about thirties Tiangong hui in Taiwan when it was in the reign of Japan. The famous Tiangong hui in Taiwan are in Fenyuan village(芬園), Street Jinhexing (金和興) and Jinchangxing (金長興) in Lugang, Zhanghua (彰化).
In Ming dynasty, there was already a templed dedicated Jade Emperor in Taiwan. At first, a temple named Yuhuang taizi gong, the Fourth Princes of Jade Emperor temple was established in Tainan. When it was rebuilt by 1800, it was renamed to Yuhuang gong (玉皇宮), the Jade Emperor temple. On spectulation, it was dedicated to Jade Emperor at that time. In Taiwan, it was estimated about twenty one temples dedicated to Jade Emperor in Japan reign. There are about 145 temples dedicated to Jade Emperor in 2010. Comparing with the popularity of worshiping to Jade Emperor, the number is not much. It was because of two reasons. One is Jade Emperor was the highest god only worshiped by emperor, a common people was not allowed to worship by imperial period. Another reason is people worship to Jade Emperor by their own house, it is not necessary to establish a temple dedicated to Jade Emperor before.
The major temples are Tiantan (天壇), Yuhuang gong in Tainan, and Yuqing guan (玉清觀) in Zhanghua, and Tiangong miao (天公廟) in Gaoxiong (天公廟), Qingyun gong (慶雲宮) and Yuzun gong (玉尊宮) in Yilan (宜蘭). In 2006, there was also a fraternity of Jade Emperor temple organized. 

Keywords:Jade Emperor, Tiangong, Tiangong hui