





以上地藏信仰的面向係從佛教本位加以理解,實則地藏菩薩亦與道教和民間宗教交融形成不同的流行,此為臺灣地藏信仰的重要層面,地藏菩薩由於發願度盡地獄眾生,因此與之有關的民間諸神為閻王、東嶽大帝、城隍等陰司諸神,一說地藏菩薩即是閰王,在儀式體系中,地藏菩薩和祭厲活動有密切關係,職能為平撫凶死亡靈,因此經常與祭無名、早年械鬥亡靈的大眾爺結合。是以有關喪事、超度等活動,經常也供奉地藏菩薩,在墓園或靈骨塔處也陳設有其塑像或畫像以安靈,超度死者。地藏王菩薩誕辰為農曆 7 月 30 日。




1.林富士。1995 。《孤魂與鬼雄的世界:北臺灣的厲鬼信仰》。臺北:臺北縣立文化出版。

Ksitigarbha bodishava(地藏王菩薩)
Ksitigarbha bodishava is a Buddhist figure. He is called Dicangwang bodishava(地藏王菩薩) in Chinese Buddhism. In China, Ksitigarbha was a prince at first. Then he became a monk and vowed to save the soul in the hell. Finally, because his great vow, he became a bodishava. There are four scared place of Buddhist bodishava in China. Ksitigarbha’s is one of them. His place is at Anhui(安徽), named Jiuhuashan(九華山). In Taiwan, one of the famous temple is Dicang An(地藏庵) in New Taipei City. The sutra related to Ksitigarbha in China are The Sutra of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha's Fundamental Vows(地藏菩薩本願經), and the Sutra on the Divination of the Effect of Good and Evil Actions(占察善惡業報經) etc. Because of Ksitigarbha’s vow, he is also called the Lord of the Nether World(幽冥教主) or the Great Emperor of Fengdou(酆都大帝). He was seen as the lord of hell.
Regarding to the Sutra of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha's Fundamental Vows, Ksitigarbha’ previous life was a girl named Guangmu(光目), bright eyes. Her mother did not believe karma when she was alive. She did many bad things. Guangmu was anxious about where her mother’s soul had gone after she was dead. She was worried about if her mother was down to the hell. A Buddhist monk helped her by his spiritual power. He found that her mother is indeed in the hell. The monk advised her praying to the statue of Buddha to save her mother from the hell. Finally, Guangmu’s effort worked. Her mother not only escaped from the hell but also went to the heaven. Then Guangmu made her mind to save all the soul in hell and she became male in next life. After she rebirth many times, she became he, Ksitigarbha bodishava. His vow is without empting hell, he would not become a Buddha. In conclusion, The Sutra of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha's Fundamental Vow makes a strong connection between Buddhism and the piety filial of Confucianism.
Besides, the propagation of belief on Ksitigarbha is related to the Sutra on the Divination of the Effect of Good and Evil Actions. Although Ksitigarbha is origin from India, he did not become important figure in India Buddhism. Ksitigarbha could not become important in Chinese Buddhism without the helping of the Sutra on the Divination of the Effect of Good and Evil Actions. This sutra connected a popular divination and Buddhist practice. A Buddhist could make a divination to decide which Buddhist way one would practiced properly. As a result, this sutra was popular and Ksitigarbha was as well in Tang Dynasty. It was also the beginning of the belief on Ksitigarbha developing in China. Jiuhuashan is the concrete result.
The opening of Jiuhuashan was by the time when a Korean Buddhist monk named Jin Dicang (金地藏) came. Jin Dicang practiced meditation hard there. His marvel deed touched many people. People came to Jiuhuashan and followed him. It was said that there was also a spring ran out and miraculous plants grew. Finally, people thought that Jin Dicang was a rebirth of Ksitigarbha bodisha. Jiuhuashan is regarded as the sacred place of Ksitigarbha bodisha.
Above description is base on the Buddhism. However, Ksitigarbha is also connected to Taoism and popular religion in China and Taiwan. This is an important aspect of belief on Ksitigarbha bodisha. The deities related to the nether world and death, such as Yan Wang(閻王, the ruler of hell), Dongyue Dadi(東嶽大帝) and Chenghuang(城隍), are closed connected with Ksitigarbha. Some people even thought that Ksitigarbha is the highest level of ten Yan Wang. In Taiwan, Ksitigarbha plays the role to pacify death killed in the battle among different Fujin intra-ethic migrants. Then the funeral and the ritual to are related to Ksitigarbha. Pacifying the death and watching over graveyard become Ksitigarbha’s main duty.
In Taiwan, Buddhist temples are dedicated to Ksitigarbha, though Ksitigarbha is not the main object. There are also some temples regarding Ksitigarbha as the main bodishava and dedicated to him, such as Xiangde temple(祥德寺)in Hualian(花蓮). There are also some temples belonging popular religion dedicated to Ksitigarbha, such as Dicang temple(地藏庵) in Xinzhuang(新莊), Manka(艋舺), and Jiayi(嘉義). The Dicang temple in Xinzhuang is famous of holding exorcistic ritual. By the first of May in Chinese lunar calendar, a great procession is made. It is a typical temple mixed with Buddhism and popular religion.

Dicangwang bodishava, Ksitigarbha bodisha, Dicang temple

1.林富士。1995 。《孤魂與鬼雄的世界:北臺灣的厲鬼信仰》。臺北:臺北縣立文化出版。