


由於黃帝有著強烈的政治正統意義,以黃帝為敬拜對象經常和政治權力有關,民間雖有諸多文化聯結黃帝,祭祀黃帝並不普及,然而,至民國時期此種情況有所不同。1957年中國國民黨籍的立委王寒生在臺灣創立軒轅教,主張崇祀軒轅黃帝,重振中華文化,總部設於臺北市大同區黃帝神宮,各地之分支機構也多名為黃帝神宮。日常儀式為早晚誦經,禱告,年度有三次節慶大典,分別是農曆 1 月 1 日祭天, 3月3日黃帝聖誕, 9月9日黃帝昇天,這三日實行齋戒、三獻禮。此外,也有其它少數以黃帝為主祀神的廟宇,如雲林的斗六的無極開基黃帝玉寶殿。


2.李世偉、王見川。 2000 。〈臺灣軒轅教的考察〉。收於《臺灣的民間宗教與信仰》。臺北:博陽文化。

Huangdi, the Yellow Emperor, a legendary figure who started Chinese civilization is a cultural and political hero. Huangdi has various names. According to Shiji(史記, The Records of the Grand Historian), Huangdi’s last name is Kongshung(公孫), and because of his resident in the hill of Xuanyuan(軒轅), he is also named as Xuanyuan. He ever lived near the Ji river(姬水), then he changed his first name to Ji(姬). His kindom is at Youiong(有熊), meaning a place where bear residing. His last name is also called Youiong. All his name is related to his legend and resident area. About the name of Huangdi, the meaning of Huangdi could be explained in two ways. Huang, yellow color, is related to the Five elements’(五行) attribute. Yellow’s attribute is in the center and the earth which is the highest element. Huang also has a co-meaning with another word Huang(皇). This word means great and heaven. Di(帝) is a word that means the ruler of religious and profane world. Huangdi, the combination words of Huang and Di, means the Great Emperor and the Emperor of Heaven. In other words, Huangdi is an ancient religious and political leader.
There are many genesis legend of Chinese civilization about Huangdi. He defeated Chi you(蚩尤) and founded the order of various clan. His wife, the first queen in Chinese history, started raise silkworm and took silk to make cloth. His cabinet in history, Cangjie(倉頡), create Chinese character. Besides, Huangdi is master in medical, many ancient medical book titled with his name. It is said that he finally became a divinity and rode on a dragon and flied to the heaven. In other words, Huangdi is also the first Taoist. The legends of Huangdi are majorly from Shiji, Shenxian chuan(神仙傳, The Biography of Immortals》, The Four Scriptures of Huangdi (黃帝四經), and Zhuangzi(莊子)etc. Basically, the facets of of Huangdi come from three threads. The first originates from the north-western China, Chin(秦) kingdom. Chin court argues that their ancestor is Shaogou(少皞), one descent of Huangdi. Based on this relation, Chin inherited Chou(周) kingdom righteously. The second is from the east of China. Huangdi is not only a paradigm of emperor but also a devotee of Taoism. As we known, the lineage from the east became the tradition of Huang-Lao(黃老之術). In Han dynasty, these two lineages are mixed and became the records on the later literatures that we are familiar with. 
Regarding to Huangdi’s political tight connection, populace worshiped to Huangdi was rare when it was federal period. Until recently, the era of democratic comes, some group dedicated to Huangdi are established. In Taiwan, a cult called Xuanyuan jiao(軒轅教) was funded in 1957 by a legislator named Wang Hansheng(王寒生). Xuanyuan jiao’s goal is recovering Chinese cultural by worshiping to Huangdi. Besides, there are also few temples dedicated to Huangdi. 
Xuanyuan, Yellow Emperor, Yellow Lord, Xuanyuanjiao

2.李世偉、王見川。 2000 。〈臺灣軒轅教的考察〉。收於《臺灣的民間宗教與信仰》。臺北:博陽文化。