


1. 李錦山。2002.12。〈西王母神話與西王母圖像(5)--關於東王公〉。《故宮文物月刊》,20(9):94-97。
2. 國立臺中技術學院應用中文系、苗栗後龍無極聖宮合編。2008。《海峽兩岸東王公西王母信仰學術硏討會論文集》臺中:國立臺中技術學院應用中文系。
3. 張秀君。1991.12。〈淺論紹興出土漢代畫像鏡之主神及其反映之神仙思想--試以東王公與西王母來探討〉。《道教學探索》,5:1-66。
4. 葛洪。《枕中書》,於《正統道藏》洞真部。
5. 蕭登福。2009.06。〈男仙之首、元陽祖氣、日君神格的東王公及其神格轉變〉。《世界宗教學刊》,13:23-49。

Donghua dijun (東華帝君) is Dong Wang gong (東王公), an ancient god originated in Han dynasty. Regarding to the Shen Yi jing (神異經), a scripture in Han dynasty, Donghua dijun was a god with human figure, bird-like head, and tiger’s tail. He lived in a cave by Mountain Dong-huang (東荒山) . There were also many material or places inscriped both Dong Wang gong and Xi Wang mu (西王母) paralelly, including bronze mirrors, in coffin chambers, and painted bricks. Most of them are painted in human figure with wings. In summary, early image of Donghua dijun is a therianthropic god.
Besides, there are manifold portrayal of Donghua dijun in various Daoist scriptures, including the Zhen gao (真誥), Zhenling Weiye tu (真靈位業圖), Zhenjiao Yuanfu jing (真教元符經), Chenwai ji (塵外記), Liexian chuan (列仙傳), Shenyi jing (神異經), Donghuang jing (東荒經),Zhonghuang jing (中荒經), Hainei Shizhou ji (海內十洲記)etc. So many Daoist writers wanted to define who Donghua dijun is in their own understanding. That is the reson why there is no consistent description and explanination of Donghua dijun. 
Some scholars thought that Donghua dijun as Dong Wang gong is the god of sun originaly. In contrast to Xi wang mu, Donghua dijun symbolize the sun rising, and Xi wang mu symbolizes the sun setting. Other students argue that Donghua dijun and Xi wang mu represent the yin and yang separately. Few scholars thought Donghua dijun is in relation of Five mountains. He was the elder brother of mountain Tai. Above all, Donghua dijun was apparently in relation of natural world.
In Song dynasty, Donghua dijun was not a natural god anymore. This transformation was done by Song-Yuan Daoist. He was named Wang Xuanfu (王玄甫) and regarded as a immortal who ascents from this world . He got the religious title Donghua dijun and became the first patriarch of Quanzhen school (全真教). Finally, Donghua dijun is the chief of all new immortal who just ascent to heaven and manage them to register in the immortal name list.
In Taiwan, the Daoist idea about Donghua dijun is not accepted. People still thought Donghua dijun represented the east and the vital energy yang qi (陽氣). He nursing all kind of creatures.
Though Donghua dijun is accompanied with Xi Wang Mu, the temples which is dedicated to Donghua dijun are few. There are about nine temples of Donghua dijun. Comparing with the number of Xi Wang Mu or Wang Mu’s temples, it is few. There are about thousands of Wang Mu’s temple in Taiwan. Referencing the fact that most of the temples dedicated to Donghua dijun are founded after the Second World War, the arising of Donghua dijun is a following worship after Wang Mu in Taiwan.

Keywords: Donghua dijun, Dong Wang gong, Xi Wang mu

1. 李錦山。2002.12。〈西王母神話與西王母圖像(5)--關於東王公〉。《故宮文物月刊》,20(9):94-97。
2. 國立臺中技術學院應用中文系、苗栗後龍無極聖宮合編。2008。《海峽兩岸東王公西王母信仰學術硏討會論文集》臺中:國立臺中技術學院應用中文系。
3. 張秀君。1991.12。〈淺論紹興出土漢代畫像鏡之主神及其反映之神仙思想--試以東王公與西王母來探討〉。《道教學探索》,5:1-66。
4. 葛洪。《枕中書》,於《正統道藏》洞真部。
5. 蕭登福。2009.06。〈男仙之首、元陽祖氣、日君神格的東王公及其神格轉變〉。《世界宗教學刊》,13:23-49。