伏羲大帝又稱伏戲、伏希、虑戲、虑犧、宓羲、庖犧、包犧等等,推測這些不同稱呼應該是在不同地區、時間,對同一名詞不同的發音表記,還有部分可能是來自傳抄的變誤。在《史記》中稱伏犧,其它文獻稱犧皇、皇羲、太昊等等,又因為和八卦的傳承有關,在台灣稱為「八卦祖師」。伏羲是傳說中的古代聖王,中國文明的開創者之一。伏羲在先秦的文獻裡原來只有名號,沒有具體的事功,遲至漢朝,他的功績才因為緯書的宣傳成為古代的聖王。《詩經》、《孝經》等相關緯書記載伏羲的降生,乃是因為母親踩了某位神人的腳印,感孕而生。其它緯書裡,伏羲受天命創造了八卦,也代表他的帝王傳統。《河圖緯 • 龍魚河圖》載:「伏羲氏王天下山所在,謂之河圖。有神龍負圖出於黃河,…推陰陽之道,知吉凶所在,謂之河圖。」晉唐時,人們認為伏羲大帝以犧牲祭祀百神,所以有「庖犧」的稱號,換言之,當時的一種看法是血食祭祀始於伏羲。司馬貞的《補史記 • 三皇本紀》和王嘉《拾遺記》有這類的見解。這類傳說大致都和伏羲代表魚獵時代有關。除了制卦、魚獵外,伏犧對文化的貢獻之一制訂嫁娶的禮儀。除了作為文化、政治正統的傳承者外,伏羲大帝也被一些民間教派列於傳承譜系之中,例如在一貫道裡伏羲大帝屬青陽劫的開端,是這個時代的第一位聖人。
Fuxi Da-di is a cultural hero in Chinese early history. He is credited that he founded the kingly rule of China and cultural inventor and founder. His invention are fishing, the rite or the law of marriage, and bagua (八卦: eight trigrams) which is a meaning system concerning the philosophy of Taichi (太極). Because he invented the eight trigrams, Fuxi Da-di is also called Bagua zushi (八卦祖師), the patriarch of bagua.
There is no any ancient record concerning Fuxi Da-di’s achievement but his name and title until Han dynasty. Because of the teaching of chan wei (讖緯) spreading, Fuxi’s mystical biography and achievement began to flourishing and Fuxi became a saint ruler. It is said that Fu-xi’s mother stepped on a saint’s trace and was pregnant with Fu-xi. When Fu-xi was an adult, he was revealed by Chinese Mighty God to create the eight trigrams. When he was to be crown by god, a divine turtle carry He tu (河圖) , a mystical diagram, out from the Yellow River to him. After he read the diagram, he knew the Way of Yin and Yang (陰陽). Between Jin and tang dynasty, it is credited that Fuxi was the first one who worshiped to all god. That is the reason why he is also called Pao xi (庖犧). Pao means work, things, and events concerning kitchen. Its derived meaning is festive or worship. According to the archaeological evidence, Fuxi was in relation with Nu Wa (女媧), an ancient Chinese goddess. The real connection between them is not clear. Scholar speculated that they are a couple or siblings.
Since Fuxi is a cultural hero in Chinese religion. There are some popular sects of Chinese popular religion regarding Fuxi as their saint and patriarch. For example, In I- Kuan Tao’s (一貫道) teaching, Fuxi is the first patriarch. There are few temples dedicated to Fuxi in Taiwan. However, the precise number is not clear.
Keywords: Fuxi, Bagua zushi, eight trigrams